新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赛尔号斗神瑞尔斯完全体降临


Purcell God of Rui Ersi come full body

2016-04-27 16:59:25来源: 4399

赛尔号武道真谛!斗神瑞尔斯完全体降临!参破武道真谛的斗神瑞尔斯,如今开启完全体震撼降临,全新的形象,更强的能力,引爆五一狂欢假期的最强神宠之一!绝对不容错过! 活动时间:4月29日开启 活动奖励:斗天武神·瑞尔斯 该文章为活动预告内容,详细攻略内容会在周五(4月29日)游戏更新后补...

Purcell Budo essence! The God Ruier Si full body come! Senate break Budo essence of God of Ruier Si, now turned full body shock comes, a new image, a stronger ability to detonate one of the strongest God pet fifty-one Carnival holiday! Not to be missed! Time: April 29 Open Activity Award: Bucket days Valkyrie · Ruier Si content of the articles for Events, detailed contents Raiders on Friday (April 29) after the game update patch ...