新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015谷歌危机:主业遭侵蚀,副业难变现


2015 Google crisis: the main erosion, sideline to cash

2015-02-16 13:55:42来源: 新浪

文/水哥 这些日子谷歌似乎走了“背”字,财报不及预期、多项产品下马、高管陆续离职、媒体迎头抨击,每件事都压得拉里 佩奇透不过气。作为业界最年轻的三巨头之一,谷歌曾被投资者寄予厚望,亦有分析师多次...

/ water Google brother these days seems to be going "back" of the word, earnings than expected, a number of products to dismount, executive departures, media head-on attack, everything is pressed Larry page suffocating. One of the big three, as the industry's most young, Google had been investors have great expectations, some analysts repeatedly...

标签: 谷歌