新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中海实验、惠风书院等4小学招生方案发布 报名时..

中海实验、惠风书院等4小学招生方案发布 报名时..

In the experiment, 4 primary school enrollment plan Huifeng college issued registration.

2016-04-12 21:44:37来源: 中国宁波网

今天,鄞州钟公庙街道三所小学(钟公庙中心小学、金家漕小学、惠风书院)、中国教科院中海实验小学招生方案发布。 钟公庙三校的报名时间为4月16日,中海实验小学为4月20日,报名时间仅半天。 钟公...

Today, Yinzhou Zhonggongmiao Street three primary school (Zhong Gong Miao center elementary school, Jin Jia Cao elementary school, Huifeng Academy), China Academy of the sea experimental primary school enrollment plan released. Chung temple three school registration time for April 16th, the sea Experimental Primary School in April 20th, the registration time is only half a day. Zhong gong...