新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重庆妹子的婚礼登上央视 他们是感动全国的“月台..

重庆妹子的婚礼登上央视 他们是感动全国的“月台..

Chongqing sister's wedding on CCTV they are touched by the national platform..

2016-04-10 23:30:25来源: 华龙网

两人宣读誓言。 视频截图 华龙网4月10日21时10分讯(首席记者 黄军 通讯员 魏东)今年2月初,当全国人民都沉浸在欢庆的春节气氛中时,一组名为《月台上的“团圆”》的图片出现在各大媒体的头版头...

Two people read the oath. Video screenshot Hualong April 21, 10 points and 10 news (chief reporter correspondent Huang Xuejun Weidong) in early February of this year, when the people of the whole country are immersed in celebrating the spring festival atmosphere, a group name for the platform for the "Reunion" pictures appear in the major media of the front page of the first...