新关注 > 信息聚合 > 315中洁观察:25%消费者放弃维权打了谁的脸?


315 Jie observed: 25% of consumers who give up the rights to play in the face?

2016-03-15 20:34:09来源: 中洁网

以“新消费 我主张”为主题的2016年315消费者权益日如期而至。回顾过去一年,与消费者生活息息相关的卫浴产品也出现了不少问题,假冒伪劣产品、爆裂事件时有发生。购买及使用卫浴产品时,消费者是否担心这...

In the "new consumer advocate I" as the theme of the 2016 315 Consumer Rights Day Ruqierzhi. In the past year, with the consumer lives, sanitary products, there have been many problems, fake and shoddy products, when the burst events occur. The purchase and use of sanitary products, consumers are worried that ...