新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小糯米被偷拍出游照曝光 被指美人坯子极像妈妈

小糯米被偷拍出游照曝光 被指美人坯子极像妈妈

Small glutinous rice to be candid travel as exposure is referred to the beauty Pizi very like mother

2015-03-12 10:35:52来源: 华商网

[摘要]产女后复工,杨幂与刘恺威夫妇虽然每次受访都不避讳谈及女儿小糯米,但对于女儿却相当保护,从未让其照片曝光。3月11日,刘恺威带着小糯米出外游玩被网友偷拍上传网络,小糯米的容貌首次曝光 杨幂...

[Abstract] production after female to return to work, Yang Mi and Hawick Lau couples although each visit are open about their daughter small glutinous rice, but the daughter was very protective, never let the photo exposure. In March 11th, Hawick Lau took out a small glutinous rice is our upload network, small glutinous rice face exposure for the first time Yang Mi...