新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大陆首家麦当劳未来智慧餐厅登陆北京 吃喝玩乐自..

大陆首家麦当劳未来智慧餐厅登陆北京 吃喝玩乐自..

The mainland's first McDonald's restaurant next visit Beijing wisdom drink from ..

2016-01-27 15:02:34来源: 千龙

千龙网讯 1月27日,中国大陆首家麦当劳未来智慧概念餐厅在北京王府井正式开幕,概念餐厅推出多项个性化、自由化体验,如手机自创汉堡、手机桌边加餐,及全国首个“线下游戏体验空间”等。顾客不用排队、不用带...

Qianlong News January 27, China's first McDonald's restaurant concept future intelligence official in Beijing Wangfujing opened restaurant concept introduced a number of personalized, liberalization experience, such as mobile phones homemade burgers, snacks phone at the table, and the country's first "offline gaming space". Customers do not line up, do not take ...