新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今晚点开华龙网看少儿网络春晚 萌爆小演员实力演..

今晚点开华龙网看少儿网络春晚 萌爆小演员实力演..

Opening tonight DragonSoft look adorable children's network show little extras burst strength play ..

2016-02-05 22:13:35来源: 华龙网

2016重庆市首届“蒲公英”少儿网络春晚将在群星剧院举行,孩子们表演了一场场精彩的节目。 首席记者 李文科 摄 磅礴大气的开场表演,小提琴齐奏《闪闪红星》。 首席记者 李文科 摄 华龙网2月5...

Chongqing City, the first 2016 "Dandelion" Children's Theatre Network Spring Festival will be held at the stars, the children performed a wonderful program in a field. Chief correspondent Li Wenke photo majestic atmosphere of the opening show, violin ensemble "Sparkling Red Star." Chief correspondent Li Wenke Photo DragonSoft February 5 ...