新关注 > 信息聚合 > 用一玩助手玩开心消消乐 染色宝宝如何交换

用一玩助手玩开心消消乐 染色宝宝如何交换

With a playing assistant Diminshing play happy music staining baby how to exchange

2016-03-17 22:38:20来源: 18183

小编推荐玩家安装开心消消乐电脑版,把游戏搬到电脑玩,大屏更直观,组合更容易,键盘鼠标操作快捷方便,染色宝宝威力更强大! 虽然染色宝宝是障碍物的存在,但在关卡中,染色宝宝也是可以进行交换的,只要两...

Xiao Bian Recommended installation players happy Diminshing music desktop, move the computer to play the game, the big screen is more intuitive and easier combination, keyboard and mouse operation fast and convenient, more powerful dyeing baby! Although staining baby is there is an obstacle, but in the level dyeing baby also can be exchanged, as long as two ...