新关注 > 信息聚合 > 互联网周回顾:O2O遭捧杀过后又如何 互联网创业..

互联网周回顾:O2O遭捧杀过后又如何 互联网创业..

Internet Week review: O2O was killed after holding how Internet entrepreneurs ..

2016-01-30 09:22:38来源: 艾瑞网

又过一周,O2O在2015年经历了被捧到天上再被摔到地上的过程,期间着阵亡了大量的炮灰,人力物力资本的浪费让人们催头丧气,不过创业者之心仍旧不死。 O2O热潮降温 创投看重“技术党” 在过去一段...

After another week, O2O experience in 2015, being praised to the skies again fell to the ground in the process, with a large number of killed during the cannon fodder, waste of human capital and material resources so that people urging head downcast, but entrepreneurs still die of heart. O2O venture boom cooling value "technology Party" over a period of ...