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苹果iPad Air2(16GB/WiFi版)售2850元

Apple Air2 16GB/WiFi (iPad version) sold 2850 yuan

2016-04-09 06:31:15来源: 中关村在线

[中关村在线 宁夏行情] 苹果iPad Air 2采用铝金属Unibody一体成型机身,并搭载了全新的A8X处理器,拥有更强的图像处理能力,配合M8协作处理器,处理效率更快。近日,这款平板电脑正在中...

Zhongguancun Online [market] Ningxia Apple iPad air 2 using aluminum unibody fuselage, and equipped with a new A8X processor, have stronger ability in image processing, with M8 co processor, the processing efficiency is faster. Recently, this tablet is in the middle...

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