新关注 > 信息聚合 > 探秘国家级非遗中国莨绸染整技艺


Quest national level intangible cultural heritage of China garmbiered Guangdong silk dyeing and finishing skills

2015-07-31 11:11:03来源: 广东新闻网

中国莨绸(香云纱)是目前世界上罕有的用纯植物染料染色的真丝绸面料 ,经特殊染整技艺的复杂加工而成。其以多年生藤本植物薯莨茎块的汁液为主要染料,工艺流程有浸莨水、晾晒、洒莨水、封莨水、煮练、卷绸、过泥...

China Buttercup silk (silk) is now rare in the world with pure plant dyes for silk fabrics, the special dyeing and finishing technology of complex processing. The to perennial vines of the genus Dioscorea cirrhosa stem block juice as the main dye, process with leaching Lang water, drying, sprinkle the gambiered Guangdong water, Lang water seal, cooking practice, roll silk, mud...