新关注 > 信息聚合 > 意媒曝中国财管将接手AC米兰 6亿欧报价盼掌权

意媒曝中国财管将接手AC米兰 6亿欧报价盼掌权

Italian media exposure China will take over the financial management AC Milan hope to offer 600 million Euro in power

2016-02-07 22:17:15来源: 搜狐

老贝收到中国财团报价 此前泰国富豪BEE先生收购AC米兰的消息闹得沸沸扬扬,但是贝卢斯科尼试图将红黑军团出售的事情则彻底流产。不过老贝则找到了新的潜在买家,据《共和报》透露:来自中国的某企业可能...

Berlusconi received Chinese consortium had quoted Mr. Thai BEE tycoons acquired AC Milan news ignited, but the Rossoneri Berlusconi tried to sell things is completely abortion. But Berlusconi is to find a new potential buyers, according to "La Repubblica" revealed: a company from China may ...