新关注 > 信息聚合 > 医疗保健:构建医药生物投资组合 荐10股

医疗保健:构建医药生物投资组合 荐10股

Healthcare: Construction of pharmaceutical and biotech portfolio recommended 10 shares

2016-02-04 23:07:51来源: 和讯网

[摘要] 医药生物板块指数1月跌幅-25.73%,医疗器械子行业领跌。 2016年1月,包括A股市场在内的全球股市连连下挫,其中A股上证综指暴挫-22.65%,创下上证综指有史以来的第六大跌幅...

[Abstract] pharmaceutical biotechnology sector index in January fell -25.73%, medical equipment sub-sectors leading the decline. In January 2016, including the A-share market, including the global stock markets fell again and again, where A-share Shanghai Composite nosedive -22.65%, the Shanghai Composite Index hit a sixth-largest decline ever ...