新关注 > 信息聚合 > 李开复:苹果和微软在中国做的很好


Li: apple and Microsoft in China do well

2016-02-22 21:57:58来源: TechWeb

日前,李开复作客美国“彭博市场专栏”,与彭博主持人Betty Liu对话,共同探讨中国互联网科技创新环境。 李开复提到,美国公司在中国,苹果、微软在一定程度上做得很好,其他的公司就有点艰难了,未来不可预知。美国公司要想在中国成功,就必须改造自己。 以下为对话内容: Betty Li...

A few days ago, lee to visit the United States "bloomberg markets column," dialogue with bloomberg host, Betty Liu, to discuss China's Internet technology innovation environment. Lee noted that U.S. companies in China, apple, Microsoft do well to some extent, other companies would be a little difficult, the future is unpredictable. U.S. companies to success in China, we have to reinvent itself. The following for conversation: Betty Li...

标签: 微软