新关注 > 信息聚合 > 研究称2020年VR设备出货量逾5000万部


According to research VR equipment shipped more than 50 million units in 2020

2016-03-05 01:06:23来源: TechWeb

网易科技讯 3月4日消息,据国外媒体报道,市场研究公司ABI Research近日预计2020年虚拟现实(VR)设备出货量超过5000万部,年复合增长率高达84.5%。 目前,谷歌开发的Googl...

Netease science and technology news on March 4, news, according to foreign media reports, market Research firm ABI Research recently estimated 2020 virtual reality (VR) equipment shipped more than 50 million units, compound annual growth rate as high as 84.5%. At present, developed by Google Googl...

标签: VR