新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陆毅爱妻晒自拍呆萌 鲍蕾鼻梁架墨镜瞪眼睛(图)

陆毅爱妻晒自拍呆萌 鲍蕾鼻梁架墨镜瞪眼睛(图)

Lu Yi wife Bao Lei sun self adorable nose Sunglasses eyes (Figure)

2016-03-22 07:11:46来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动 鲍蕾微博截图 中新网3月21日电 今日下午,陆毅爱妻鲍蕾在微博晒出多张自拍照,同时得意留言称,“原来不开车这么爽,可以不停的无聊自拍,咔咔咔”。,照片中鲍蕾身穿黑色上衣,将墨镜架在鼻梁上,瞪着大眼睛,模样呆萌。 对此,网友纷纷表示,“陆毅在开车吧”、“你拍你老公也算是自...

Participate in interactive Bao Lei micro-blog screenshot in new network on 21 March, this afternoon, Lu Yi wife Bao Lei in micro-blog drying out multiple photos from the camera, and his message said, "so don't drive so cool, can not stop the self boring, kakaka". In the photo, Bao Lei wearing a black coat and sunglasses will be mounted on the nose, big eyes, looks adorable. In this regard, netizens have said, "Lu Yi is driving it, you shoot your husband is self...