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IBM layoffs cited dissatisfaction with the compensation package

2016-03-04 05:48:44来源: 大河网

北京商报讯(记者 钱瑜 石飞月)昨日消息显示,IBM再次展开了一轮裁员,尽管裁员规模尚不得而知,但部分被裁员工透露,IBM对于被裁员工给出的赔偿金相比此前大幅减少,这也令许多员工对此心生不满。 ...

Beijing Daily News (Reporter Qian Shi Yu Fei month) news show yesterday, IBM once again launched a round of layoffs, although the scale of layoffs is unknown, but some dismissed employees to disclose, IBM for dismissed employees compensation given microstructure significantly reduced than previously, which also makes this a lot of disgruntled employees. ...