新关注 > 信息聚合 > 战舰少女r曙光女神图鉴 曙光女神怎么样

战舰少女r曙光女神图鉴 曙光女神怎么样

Battleship Aurora girl r illustrations how to Aurora

2016-02-20 12:34:12来源: 4399

战舰少女r曙光女神,原为E国船,在战后赔偿给C国,重命名为重庆,也就是游戏中改造后的舰船名称。下面是曙光女神的图鉴资料。 ▍曙光女神图鉴 改造后图鉴>>>战舰少女r重庆 ▍舰娘誓词 ▍舰娘资...

Battleship Aurora girl r, formerly E country boat, in the post-war compensation to State C, rename Chongqing, which is the transformation of the game after the ship name. Here is Aurora illustrations information. ▍ Aurora after transformation Atlas Atlas >>> warships girls r Chongqing oath ▍ ▍ Mother Ship Mother Ship owned ...