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德拉诺之王未完成战场 神秘岛屿探索视频

King of the Delano unfinished battle mysterious island exploration video

2015-05-21 16:58:01来源: 多玩游戏

近期有好事者在魔兽德拉诺之王的文件中发现了一张地图。名叫“heroes through time”,暂时翻译为穿越时间的英雄吧,这张图是个岛屿战场,岛上的内容也相当怪异,应该是一个德拉诺之王中未完成...

recent good in the king of the world of Warcraft Delano files found a map. Called "heroes through time, temporary translation as a hero across the time it, this picture is island battlefield, the island's content is quite strange, should is a king of Delano's unfinished...

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