新关注 > 信息聚合 > 无情or温情?阿布现暖男一面 赠切赫400万分手费

无情or温情?阿布现暖男一面 赠切赫400万分手费

Or Abu is a ruthless tenderness? Warm male side to Cech

2015-06-21 11:49:49来源: 网易

都说阿布无人情,事实非如此。为了感谢切赫过去11年的功劳,切尔西老板将会为切赫送上400万英镑的分手费。 网易体育6月21日报道: 自接手切尔西以来,俄罗斯富豪阿布拉莫维奇出手阔绰,在蓝军身上砸...

are 4000000 breakup fee that Abu favors, actually is not so. In order to thank Cech for the past 11 years of credit, Chelsea boss will be sent to 4000000 pounds of Cech break up. Netease sports on June 21 reports: since Chelsea took over, the Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich lavish, hit in the Blues...