新关注 > 信息聚合 > 卢卫:有章可寻的网络自媒体


Lu Wei: there are rules to be found since the network media

2014-12-14 16:22:58来源: 搜狐

12月14日消息 以“移动·智能时代”为主题的”WeMedia 2014中国自媒体年会”暨”WeMedia移动风云榜颁奖盛典”今日在北京香格里拉酒店盛大开幕。数十位行业领袖、国内知名自媒体、各路媒体...

12 month 14 days message to "mobile intelligent era" as the theme of the "WeMedia 2014" and Chinese from media annual meeting "WeMedia Mobile Awards" today at the Beijing Shangri-La Hotel grand opening. Dozens of industry leaders, well-known from the media, the media...