新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重庆高速明迎返程高峰 预计15点至19点车流量较大

重庆高速明迎返程高峰 预计15点至19点车流量较大

Chongqing Ming Ying high-speed return peak is expected to 15 points to 19 points, traffic is large

2015-02-22 16:48:18来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 春节长假过半,市民将陆续返程。今(22)日,记者从重庆市交委了解到,根据长假期间我市高速路以往通行数据和实践经验预判,预计明起我市高速将迎来返程高峰,建议市民错峰出行。 华龙网2月22...

[Abstract] half of the Spring Festival, people will continue to return. Today (22), the reporter from the city of Chongqing to pay commission to understand, according to the holiday period the city highway past traffic data and practical experience pre judgment, is expected to Ming Dynasty onwards the city expressway will usher in the peak return, people are advised to travel peak. Hualong network February 22...

标签: 流量