新关注 > 信息聚合 > 辽宁2015年高考本科第一批A段院校录取最低分数


Liaoning Province in 2015 college entrance examination the first paragraph taking institutions A minimum score

2015-07-22 10:26:01来源: 中国教育在线

关于公布辽宁省2015年本科第一批A段院校录取最低分数的说明 1.本次公布的录取最低分数含排序分(即:当考生高考总成绩相同时,文科依次按语文、数学、外语单科成绩从高分到低分排序,理科依次按数学、...

Liaoning Province in 2015 on the disclosure of the first batch of undergraduate colleges admission Section A minimum score of 1. The announcement of the admission lowest score points having ordering (ie: when the college entrance examination candidates with the same total score, followed by language arts, mathematics, foreign language single subject results from high to low order, followed by mathematical science, ...