新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为什么这些书影响了马云、乔布斯一生,你却没有..


Why are these books influenced Ma, Steve Jobs's life, but you do not ..

2016-04-23 19:19:58来源: 中国企业家

今天(4月23日),除了是私募大佬们赶考的日子,还是第22个世界读书日,也是“世界书籍与版权日”,此外,这一天还是大文豪莎士比亚逝世400周年纪念日。 和400年前不同的是,随科技的进步,今天我们...

Today (April 23), in addition to private equity bigwigs exam day, or the first 22 World Book Day is "World Book and Copyright Day", in addition, that day was William Shakespeare's death 400 anniversary. And 400 years ago, the difference is that with the advancement of technology, today we ...