新关注 > 信息聚合 > 昔日猫王有望联手詹皇 华莱士被裁骑士感兴趣

昔日猫王有望联手詹皇 华莱士被裁骑士感兴趣

Former Elvis Presley is expected to join forces to Zhan Huang Wallace was cut Knight sense of interest

2015-09-28 11:42:18来源: 新浪

华莱士曾是山猫当家 新浪体育讯 北京时间9月28日,据《King James Gospel》网报道,克利夫兰骑士可能考虑引进刚被费城76人裁掉的老将杰拉德-华莱士。 骑士计划以20人阵容备战...

Wallace was Charlotte headed sina sports news Beijing standard time on September 28, according to the King James Gospel "network coverage, the Cleveland Cavaliers may consider the introduction of just been de Philadelphia 76 people laid off veteran Gerald Wallace. Knight plan to prepare for the 20 squad...