新关注 > 信息聚合 > 警犬进校园 英国白金汉大学对毒品“零容忍”

警犬进校园 英国白金汉大学对毒品“零容忍”

Dogs into the campus of University of Buckingham drugs "zero tolerance"

2016-03-09 03:25:17来源: 环球网

【环球网留学综合报道】据英国广播公司3月4日报道,英国白金汉大学在校园启用警犬搜索,对毒品采取“零容忍”的态度。 白金汉大学允许当地警方在任何时间进入校园,旨在对毒品使用形成一种威慑。白金汉大学副校长安东尼 塞尔登(Anthony Seldon)爵士表示,违法药物是导致年轻人心理健康...

[World Wide Web roundup studying BBC reported March 4, University of Buckingham enabled search dogs on campus, on drugs "zero tolerance" attitude. University of Buckingham permitted by the local police at any time to enter the campus, aimed at the formation of a deterrent to drug use. Sir Anthony Selden, vice chancellor of Buckingham University (Anthony Seldon), said illegal drugs are young lead to mental health ...