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iPhone 6C曝谍照:主打彩色外壳 比iPhone 5C大

The iPhone 6C exposure Spy: the main color shell than 5C

2015-05-31 16:55:06来源: TechWeb

网易科技讯 5月31日消息,并不是所有人都喜欢使用大屏手机,很多iPhone使用者如是。而屏幕尺寸从iPhone 5到iPhone 6的“巨大”飞跃,显然是让这些“小屏”爱好者们措手不及。不过,现在...

Netease science and Technology News May 31 news and not all people like to use large screen mobile phone, many iPhone users. While the screen size from iPhone 5 to iPhone 6 huge leap, apparently to make these small screen enthusiasts who were unprepared. But now...