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小暑到盛夏始 客家人用新米做饭敬奉五谷大神

It to the Hakka people Sheng Xiashi with new rice cooking than grain God

2015-07-07 09:35:58来源: 中国新闻网

孩子在树荫下追逐泡泡。 荔湾湖公园,老人在凉亭中乘凉。 小暑 倏忽温风至因循小暑来 节气词典: 每年7月7日或8日视太阳到达黄经105°时为小暑。《月令七十二候集解》:“六月节……...

children chasing bubbles in the shade. Liwan Lake Park in the pavilion in the shade, the elderly. It suddenly warm air to follow it to the solar term dictionary: every year in July 7th or the 8 day as the sun reaches 105 degrees for it. "Seventy-two home Hou Ji:" June Festival "solution...... ...