新关注 > 信息聚合 > 联想Yoga900评测:性能提升明显 触摸屏仍需精确

联想Yoga900评测:性能提升明显 触摸屏仍需精确

Lenovo, evaluation of Yoga900: performance significantly touch screen still need to accurately

2015-11-27 08:48:13来源: 南方网

网易科技讯 11月27日消息,据国外媒体报道,联想标志性的二合一Yoga笔记本电脑现在是如此流行以至于竞争者都忙于借鉴。去年的版本Yoga 3 Pro因其轻薄尤为引人瞩目:它只有2.6磅重,不足一英...

Netease science and technology news news on November 27, according to foreign media reports, Lenovo logo of combo Yoga notebook computer is now so popular that competitors are busy with reference. Last year's version of Yoga 3 Pro for its light is particularly impressive: it is only 2.6 pounds, less than one...