新关注 > 信息聚合 > 360要发布一棵树:智能圣诞树是什么鬼?


360 to publish a tree: what is the smart Christmas tree?

2015-12-21 16:12:19来源: TechWeb

圣诞节马上就要来了,而360也放出消息,将在后天(23日)10:00推出一款智能圣诞树,听起来功能相当相当的丰富。 从官网来看,这款产品采用环保材料,既有真实圣诞树体验,还可反复使用,同时具有家庭...

Christmas is coming soon, and 360 is also out of the news, will be in the day after tomorrow (23) 10:00 introduced a smart Christmas tree, it sounds quite quite rich. From the official website, this product uses environmentally friendly materials, both real and the Christmas tree experience, but also repeated use, and has a family...