新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《第一伞兵队》央视开播 首次聚焦伞兵抗战(组图)

《第一伞兵队》央视开播 首次聚焦伞兵抗战(组图)

The first parachute team, CCTV launched for the first time focusing paratroopers in the war of resistance against Japan (Photos)

2015-10-07 11:54:29来源: 新华报业网

1、蒲巴甲饰演蔡智诚 由中央电视台、中共贵州省委宣传部、贵州广播电视台、北京广电影视传媒有限公司联合出品。陈彬、李延平担任总制片人,李洋担任艺术总监,桑华执导,蒲巴甲、徐冬冬、邵兵、薛皓文、宋雷涛、李立群、张光北、高天、芦垭宁等领衔主演的国内首部伞兵抗战剧《第一伞兵队》将于今晚(10...

1, pubajia plays chin Cheng Tsai jointly produced by China Central Television, the Publicity Department of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, Guizhou Radio and television, the Beijing Broadcasting and television media Co., Ltd.. Chenbin, LiYanping served as executive producer, Li Yang was appointed artistic director, directed by sang Hua, Pu Bajia, Xu Dongdong, Shaobing, Xue Haowen, song Leitao, Li Liqun, Zhang Guangbei, high day, Lo Wu Ning starring the first paratroopers war drama the first parachute team "will be launched late (10...