新关注 > 信息聚合 > 造波池能模拟海洋环境测试临海技术


For energy raw Title simulated marine environment test Linhai technology

2015-11-25 03:15:36来源: 大河网

原标题:造波池能模拟海洋环境测试临海技术 科技日报北京11月24日电 (记者常丽君)从巡航舰、港口、油轮到海岸线上的风涡轮,建造者都面临着同一个问题:这些设施的结构是否足够强大,让它们能坚定地矗...

of making wave pool, wave pool can be simulated marine environment test Linhai science and technology daily, Beijing, November 24 (reporter Chang Lijun) from cruise ships, ports, oil tankers to the coast of the wind turbine, builders are facing a problem: the structure of these facilities is strong enough, so that they can firmly Chu...