新关注 > 信息聚合 > 成都国际车展车商“解剖”汽车 市民直观看细节

成都国际车展车商“解剖”汽车 市民直观看细节

Chengdu international auto show car dealers "Anatomy" car people intuitively details

2015-09-04 17:14:20来源: 大河网

四川新闻网成都9月4日讯(记者 漆奇 董焦 摄影报道) 9月4日是第十八届成都国际汽车展览会的媒体开放日,四川新闻网记者在展馆中看到,部分参展车商以展示车辆内部结构,通过对车辆的完全“解剖”,让市民...

Sichuan news network Chengdu on September 4 News (reporter paint Dong Jiao photo coverage) on September 4, is the 18 th Chengdu international automobile exhibition open to the media, the Sichuan news network reporter saw in the exhibition hall, part of the participating car business to show the internal structure of the vehicle by the vehicle completely "Anatomy", so that the public...