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孕期怕产检? 3招选到靠谱医生

If the pregnancy test? 3 strokes to choose reliable doctor

2015-04-14 23:58:11来源: 大河网

核心提示:选择一个靠谱的产检医生对孕妈妈来说非常重要。那么,孕妈妈该选择呢?可从三方面来作参考。 据不完全统计,每个女人在怀孕期间,产检的次数不少于5次,多则10次。因此,产检医生的选择关系到妊...

core tip: choose a reliable prenatal doctor is very important for the pregnant mother. So, pregnant women should choose? There are three aspects for reference. According to incomplete statistics, every woman during pregnancy, birth of the number of not less than 5 times, more than 10 times. Therefore, prenatal doctor of choice related to pregnancy...