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林志玲自曝与范伟床戏细节 陈凯歌片场笑喷

Ling exposes and Fan Wei Chuangxi details Chen Kaige studio laugh spray

2015-03-31 22:16:54来源: 中国新闻网

林志玲自曝与范伟床戏细节 陈凯歌片场笑喷 3月31日下午,电影《道士下山》在北京举办新闻发布会,导演陈凯歌携林志玲、王宝强、范伟等现身宣传。《道士下山》改编自徐皓峰同名小说,讲述了王宝强饰演的小...

Chiling exposes and Fan Wei Chuangxi details Chen Kaige studio laugh spray on the afternoon of March 31, the movie "Taoist mountain" in Beijing held a press conference, director Chen Kaige carrying Ling, Wang Baoqiang, Fan Wei, appeared in propaganda. "Taoist down the mountain," adapted from the novel of the same name of Xu Haofeng, Baoqiang Wang played a small role...