新关注 > 信息聚合 > 互联网金融企业家走进武汉高校 给年轻学子传经送宝

互联网金融企业家走进武汉高校 给年轻学子传经送宝

Internet Financial entrepreneurs in Wuhan university students to pass one's know-how to others

2015-04-24 15:58:39来源: 大众网

爱上贷CEO王中刚做主题演讲 互联网金融实战派企业家走进武汉高校 给年轻学子传经送宝 楚天都市报快讯((记者周新 通讯员朱菱、韩雪颖)“创业都是永远走在路上,只有起点,没有终点。”4月23日下午...

love CEO Wang Zhonggang keynote speech of Internet Financial practitioner entrepreneurs into the Wuhan university students to pass one's know-how to others (Chutian Metropolis Daily News (reporter Zhou Xin correspondent Zhu Ling, Han Xueying) "entrepreneurs are always walking on the road, only a starting point, not the end." The afternoon of April 23rd...

标签: 互联网金融