新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赵丽颖从小包子脸 唐嫣郑爽倪妮 揭当红女星海量..

赵丽颖从小包子脸 唐嫣郑爽倪妮 揭当红女星海量..

Zhao Liying small steamed stuffed bun face Tang Yan Zheng Shuang Ni Ni Jie popular actress massive..

2015-08-24 09:29:17来源: 人民网

人民网北京8月24日电(车柯蒙) 人气小花旦赵丽颖一直有“最美包子脸女星”的美称,其清纯甜美的外表和气质迷倒了无数粉丝,早前网上曝光了赵丽颖的童年照,还是孩童时期的她就是一张可爱的包子脸,网友大赞她...

people's Network Beijing on August 24 (by car Kemeng) popular actress Zhao Liying have the laudatory title of "the most beautiful buns face actress", the pure sweet appearance and temperament that has charmed countless fans, earlier online exposure of Zhao Liying childhood photos or childhood, she is a lovely buns face, netizens praised her.