新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《火锅英雄》陈坤形象颠覆 真摔真打不怕牺牲颜值

《火锅英雄》陈坤形象颠覆 真摔真打不怕牺牲颜值

"Hero pot" image of Chen Kun subversion really throw a real fight is not afraid to sacrifice color value

2016-02-24 17:42:51来源: 中国青年网

陈坤饰演有典型重庆个性的年轻人。电影剧照 由重庆导演杨庆执导,陈坤、白百何、秦昊和喻恩泰主演的重庆方言喜剧片《火锅英雄》将于4月1日上映。记者从今(24)日曝光的角色特辑看到,饰演市井小人物的陈坤扎实地牺牲了自己的“脸”,被打得很惨。对此,陈坤自信表示:“我人生最大的目的就是把自己搞...

Chen Kun plays Chongqing typical personality of young people. Movie Stills from Chongqing Yang directed the director, Chen Kun, diphtheria He, Qin Hao and starring Yuen Tai Chongqing dialect comedy "pot Hero" will be released on April 1. Reporters from today (24) days of exposure to see the role of special edition, played by Chen Kun little marketplace solidly at the expense of their own "face", was beaten badly. In response, Chen Kun confidently said: "My biggest goal in life is to engage in their own ...