新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《炮艇战:3D直升机(正版)》更新新战机‘F-14..


The gunboat War: 3D helicopter (genuine) "update new fighter 'F-14..

2015-04-28 18:24:01来源: 不凡游戏网

28日,韩国游戏厂商JOYCITY宣布,《炮艇战:3D直升机(正版)》追加了新战机‘F-14熊猫’。 空中优势的战机‘F-14熊猫’是号称世上最美战斗机之一的机体。其最大特征为可变翼,使用助推器能...

28,, Korea game manufacturer JOYCITY announced the gunboat War: 3D helicopter (genuine)" added new fighters' F-14 Panda'. The fighter 'F-14 Panda' is one of the most beautiful fighters in the world.. The biggest feature of the variable wing, the use of booster can...