新关注 > 信息聚合 > 李集镇小学举行少先队大、中、小队长授牌仪式(..


Li Ji Zhen primary school held the young pioneers, Captain award ceremony (..

2014-12-10 09:09:26来源: 大河网

为了增强少先队组织在学校管理的作用,树立榜样示范带动作用。12月8日郾城区李集镇小学少先队大队部在学校会议室隆重举行了少先队大队长、中队长、小队长授牌仪式。 授牌仪式由学校办公室刘景涛主任主持,...

river network in order to enhance the young pioneers organization in school management role, set an example demonstration effect. In December 8th the District of Yancheng Li Ji Zhen primary school the young pioneers brigade in the school conference room held a captain, Captain, Captain young pioneers in the awarding ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Liu Jingtao, director of the school office,...