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布里斯班赛莎娃轰10ace 逆转伊万夺赛季首冠

Brisbane Saishawa detonation Ivan reversal of 10ace wins first crown last season

2015-01-10 20:21:04来源: 网易

俄罗斯名将莎拉波娃轰出10个ace球,先丢一盘后逆转战胜塞尔维亚美女伊万诺维奇,从而赢取了布里斯班顶级赛的单打冠军。这也是莎娃职业生涯里拿到的第34个单打冠军头衔。 网易体育1月10日报道: 总...

Russian great soldier Sharapova blasted 10 ace ball, lost a disk reversal defeat Ivanovic of Serbia to win over the Brisbane's top race singles championship. This is her occupation career to get thirty-fourth singles titles. Netease sports in January 10th reported: total...