新关注 > 信息聚合 > 参数竟已泄露 诺基亚C1被曝有两个版本

参数竟已泄露 诺基亚C1被曝有两个版本

Parameter actually have leaked the Nokia C1 was traced to have two versions of the

2015-11-30 00:54:13来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】近日,诺基亚因为重返手机市场一事,再次成为众人关注的焦点。虽然诺基亚要等到2016年的第三季度之后才能够推出智能手机产品,但这似乎并没有妨碍诺基亚回归之作的不断曝光。这款被叫做诺...

[IT168 information recently, Nokia for return to the mobile phone market a, once again become the focus of attention of the public. Although NOKIA to wait until the third quarter of 2016 to be able to launch smart phone products, but it does not seem to hinder the continuous exposure of NOKIA's return. This is called a promise...