新关注 > 信息聚合 > 首尔格雷万蜡像馆将开馆 金秀贤权志龙鸟叔等入驻

首尔格雷万蜡像馆将开馆 金秀贤权志龙鸟叔等入驻

Seoul Grevin wax museum will be opening Xiuxian G-Dragon psy and settled

2015-07-24 11:56:29来源: 人民网

据韩国《亚洲经济》报道,人气明星金秀贤的蜡像将入驻首尔格雷万蜡像馆。 据首尔格雷万蜡像馆方面表示,金秀贤作为知名度极高的韩流明星,我们可以为他制作蜡像感到十分开心。我们计划在金秀贤蜡像周围打造出如韩剧《来自星星的你》主题曲《My Destiny》般的梦幻氛围,带给粉丝再一次的感动。 ...

according to South Korea, "Asian economy," reports, popular star Jin Xiuxian wax will be settled in Seoul Grevin. According to the Seoul Grevin, Jin Xiuxian as very high popularity of Hallyu star, we can for him to make wax feel very happy. We plan to around Jin Xiuxian wax to create a dreamy atmosphere like a Korean "from the stars you," the theme song "my destiny", bring the fans once again moved. ...