新关注 > 信息聚合 > 本月购车摇号人数249万


This month car Yaohao number 249 million

2015-08-09 13:31:45来源: 人民网

本报讯 记者上午获悉,截止8月8日24时,小客车配置指标累计收到个人普通小客车配置指标申请和确认延期的共2498923个;有49873家企事业等单位申请普通小客车配置指标83055个;累计收到个人示...

of reporter of report from our correspondent morning was informed that, until August 8, 24, a small passenger car configuration index received a total of personal ordinary passenger car configuration index confirm the extension of the application and a total of 2498923; 49873 enterprises and other units for ordinary passenger car configuration index 83055; received a total of individual shows...