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上海Roger Vivier点睛思维之美

Shanghai Roger Vivier dotting thinking beauty

2015-01-08 06:42:02来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 置身其中,可以感受到风格迥异的时尚名媛与Miss Viv’的曼妙互动, 白百何的甜美爽朗、Linda Li的静态极妍、Ambra Medda的聪慧典雅……均无比契合此次影展所传达的品牌精神...

[Abstract] place oneself among them, graceful interaction can feel the different styles of fashionable ladies' with Miss Viv, Bai Baihe, Linda Li sweet hearty static extremely Yan, Ambra Medda intelligent and elegant...... Are extremely fit the film festival is to convey the spirit of the brand...