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小米杀入格力腹地注资美的 家电渐入拼爹时代

Millet into the Gree hinterland injection beauty appliances gradually into the era of competition of family background

2014-12-17 08:51:58来源: 新浪

传言终于坐实。14日晚间,美的集团发布公告称,公司将以每股23.01元价格向小米科技定向增发5500万股,募资不超过12.66亿。发行完成后,小米将持有美的1.29%股份,并可提名一名核心高管为美的集团董事。而在一年前,阿里巴巴集团已与海尔集团签署了28 .22亿元港币(约合人民币22 ...

rumors finally sit. On the evening of 14, beautiful group releases announcement to say, company will be 23.01 yuan per share price to the millet technology directed additional 55000000 shares, fund-raising not more than 1266000000. Distribution is completed, millet will hold 1.29% shares of beauty, and the nomination of a core executive director for the group of the United states. A year ago, Alibaba group has signed 2822000000 Hong Kong dollars and Haier group (about RMB 22...