新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015辽宁质量技术监督局直属事业单位招聘人员面..


2015 Liaoning Bureau of quality and technical supervision directly under the public institution recruits personnel..

2015-06-19 16:15:55来源: 中公教育

沈阳中公教育微信号: sy_gkzj 辽宁省质量技术监督局直属事业单位公开招聘人员笔试成绩已于6月16日公布,面试前资格审查工作将于6月24日开始,现就面试前资格审查工作有关事项公告如下: 一、...

public education in the micro signal: sy Sy_gkzj Liaoning Province Bureau of quality and technical supervision, the immediate cause of units open recruitment staff written examination achievement has announced on June 16, before the interview qualification work will begin on June 24, now before the interview qualification review related matters notice as follows: A,...