新关注 > 信息聚合 > 埃里克森:会引进强力中锋 还将签下几名本土球员

埃里克森:会引进强力中锋 还将签下几名本土球员

Erickson: will the introduction of a strong center will also signed several players

2015-02-06 03:20:45来源: 新浪

□晨报特派记者 俞炯 (土耳其安塔利亚2月5日电) 在安塔利亚的第一场热身赛,孔卡穿10号球衣是大新闻,而海森的9号变成了14号也引起了人们的大胆猜测。空出的9号球衣会不会和上港队将引进大牌...

- Morning News correspondent Yu Jiong (Turkey, Antalya, February 5) in Antalya's first warm-up game card, wearing the number 10 Jersey is big news, and the Hessian of the No. 9 became No. 14 also caused a bold speculation. The vacated the number 9 shirt will not and Hong Kong team will introduce the major suit...