新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广铁多项“特权”助大学生回家 寒假售出230万学..

广铁多项“特权”助大学生回家 寒假售出230万学..

Line a number of "privilege" to help students learn the winter vacation home sold 2300000..

2015-02-03 00:03:01来源: 人民网

中新网长沙2月2日电 (通讯员 李盛家)截至2月2日,今年寒假粤湘琼三省共售出230万张学生车票,再创历史新高。据广铁集团介绍,为方便寒假学生出行,广铁采取将取票机装到大学校园、预留学生票、延长学生...

in new network on 2 February, (reporter Li Shengjia) by the end of February 2nd, winter vacation this year, Guangdong and Hunan provinces students Joan sold 2300000 tickets, a new record high. According to Guangzhou Railway Group is introduced, for the convenience of winter vacation travel, railway will take the fetching machine mounted to the university campus, students, student ticket pre extension...